Thursday, February 23, 2012

Burgers and Shopping and Bessemers, Oh My!

If it hasn't become obvious, I love going downtown.  Whether it is to eat, shop, see a show, or just walk around, I love taking in the sights of the city. Station square is one of the places I've probably spent the most time.  I've been hanging out there for as long as I can remember. Anytime someone wants to go out to dinner for their birthday, we ALWAYS end up at Hard Rock Cafe, ordering nachos and burgers. 
Like I said, delicious burgers.
Hard Rock is one of 65 restaurants, shops and entertainment venues in Station Square.  Although I love me a good burger from time to time, the absolute best place to go in Station Square is the Gandy Dancer/Grand Concourse. Same place, but the Gandy Dancer is the the bar side, while the Grand Concourse is more of a fancy place. 

Not a shabby setting, right?
Not only does the Grand Concourse have delcious food (poppyseed rolls are to die for, let me tell you), but it is built the old Lake Erie Railroad Station.  Walking into the Station for the first time is beautiful, and it goes right along with the area, which has perserved a lot of Pittsburgh's Steel City past.  I've been to the Grand Concourse more times than I can count on my entire families hands and feet (and I have five siblings). We use everything and anything as an excuse to go there for dinner.  I remember running up to look at the lobster tank as a child and being able to watch them for hours, my dad always ordering the same meal (pasta in red clam sauce), and the birthday I celebrated there with my mom and step-dad.
I remember going to the Hard Rock Cafe before senior boat ride, for both of my best friend's birthdays and finally learning what the huge steel thing in the middle of Station Square was (yeah... it's a Bessemer converter).  The plaza connects and the area behind them is called "The Fountain at Bessemer Court." I wouldn't be lying if I said every single person I know from Pittsburgh has at least one photo on this court. Not only is it frequently visited, it has a beautiful view of the city skyline. 

As mentioned earlier, at Mt. Lebanon, we have a tradition called "Senior Boatride."  Station Square is also home to something called the Gateway Clipper Fleet, which gives tours of the city and sails around the three rivers. 

My beautiful friends, my beautiful city
Station Square is one of those places I'm able to call  part of my home.  I know it like the back of my hand. Yes, there are parts I'm not familiar with, such as the club scene, but that's not the Station Square I know.  One day it will be, but until then my version of Station Square is one where I've spent years growing up, running through the tunnel connecting the Grand Concourse to the parking lot, eating burgers, celebrating birthdays, questioning what the Bessemar converter was, and reuniting with friends during breaks from college.

And frankly, I wouldn't give up those memories for anything.


  1. I like just outside of Pittsburgh and I feel as though I don't take advantage of all the city has to offer. I have some plans set for Spring Break now :)

  2. I made my first visit to Pittsburgh last weekend for a surprise birthday. I drive right through the bottom of the city and stayed in an apartment about five minutes from the city. I was thinking about this blog while driving through to see if I could recognize any of the locations...I didn't but it's the thought that counts right haha
